Group Classes

Puppy & Me Class - Because We’re Not Meant To Puppy Alone

This fun Saturday social play group provides puppy owners with a safe and supervised place to bring their puppies to immediately begin the process of "safe socialization." Six weekly, 55-minute classes support your adjustment to puppy parenthood as we explore many topics during puppy’s first 6 months and cultivate your puppy “village.” Your puppy will learn how to play politely and not become the kid on the playground who all the other kids avoid. Your pup is sure to make tons of friends in a fun and safe environment during social playgroup sessions designed to build confidence and teach them how to interact with other dogs. Classes limited to 8 puppies and their parents. Following completion of this class, a great next step is Wag Academy’s Puppy 1-Puppy Manners & Positive Play. The cost of this 6-week class is $250. Vaccination records showing the first 2 rounds of shots and negative fecal sample are mandatory.

Contact Wag Academy for dates of upcoming training classes.

Puppy 1 - Puppy Manners & Positive Play

Join our fun, enriching course tailored for puppies between 10 weeks to 6 months. This training is the ideal foundation for your puppy's development! Key areas covered include fundamental commands such as watch, touch, sit, lie down, stay, come, and leash etiquette. Other common management issues covered include: crate training, housebreaking, jumping, chewing, and mouthing. Our program aligns with the standards set by the prestigious AKC S.T.A.R Puppy Program. Created by the American Kennel Club, this innovative initiative is designed to guide dog owners and their young, furry companions towards responsible ownership.The cost of this 6-week class is $250. Vaccination records showing up to date shots and negative fecal sample are mandatory.

Contact Wag Academy for dates of upcoming training classes.

Doggy 1 - The Well-Mannered Dog

Specifically tailored for canines ages 6 months and older, this program is ideal for graduates of Puppy 1 as well as those who are new to training. The curriculum covers essential foundational commands essential commands such as sit-stays, down-stays, recall, take it, leave it, and drop it. Emphasis is placed on teaching proper leash etiquette and on-leash introductions between dogs. In addition, we will address common challenges with adolescent dogs including nuisance barking, nipping, destructive chewing, and calming procedures. Whether you have just welcomed a new furry family member or are looking to enhance your dog's training, this course is the perfect starting point for a well-behaved companion. The cost of this 6-week class is $250. Vaccination records showing up to date shots and negative fecal sample are mandatory.

Contact Wag Academy for dates of upcoming training classes.

Citizen Canine - AKC Canine Good Citizen Prep Class

The AKC's CGC Program, designed to reward dogs who display good manners in the home and in the community, is recognized as the gold standard of behavior for dogs in our communities. Often used as a prerequisite for obtaining a therapy dog certification, the CGC program is a two-part program that stresses responsible pet ownership for owners and basic good manners for dogs. This class is suitable for friendly dogs that already have a good grasp of basic to intermediate manners. In this 6-week class, we work on polishing all the elements required to pass the test for an AKC CGC certificate. The cost of this 6-week class is $300 and includes testing by Corey, an AKC approved CGC evaluator, on the sixth and final session. A dog that earns AKC Canine Good Citizen certification can then advance to therapy dog training, or just simply receive recognition for their efforts and pride in the skills they have mastered. If you are interested in therapy dog work, this is the class for you!

Contact Wag Academy for dates of upcoming training classes.

Dog About Town - AKC Community Canine Advanced Prep Class

The AKC Community Canine is the advanced level of the AKC Canine Good Citizen Program. Dogs who pass the AKC Community Canine test earn the official AKC Community Canine title that is designated by the letters "CGCA" (Advanced CGC) on the dog's title record. If you and your dog have obtained your CGC certificate, you have all the skills to build your dog's range of experiences with the AKC Community Canine class. This 6-week class is $300 and provides real world exposure to the classroom lessons learned during the CGC class. You and your dog will establish solid partnering and training skills for functioning as a well-oiled and well-behaved machine when out in public. The program includes advanced training at a different location each week to practice the CGC behaviors where they matter most, in public. W e will meet at parks, walking trails and shopping centers to expose your dogs to different settings and stimuli while keeping their focus on you and maintaining their high level of attention and obedience. This is a wonderful, practical and really fun series that both trains and socializes your dog in a range of environments.

Stay tuned for upcoming class dates.

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